Be active in and around Kahla

Have you ever seen a beaver? If you get into a boat or canoe and drift on the waves of the Saale, you might be lucky! Or would you rather have solid ground under your feet? In Kahla, hiking and biking trails intersect, suitable for the leisurely and the ambitious. And you know what? Kahla is so centrally located that you can go strolling in the next big city in a short time, if you feel like it. Until then, take a stroll through Kahla's enchanting old town or take a dip in the outdoor pool in the summer.


Tour portal Saaleland

The Saaleland tour portal offers you an overview of all cycling, hiking and water tours as well as wayside recommendations in our region. You can download the GPX data or create tours.



Wer nicht auf eigene Faust die Landeshauptstadt erkunden möchte, der schließt sich einer Führung an. Regelmäßig stehen klassische Rund- gänge durchs historische Zentrum auf dem Programm bei denen die Geschichte Erfurts lebendig wird. Mit dem iGuide oder dem VideoGuide kann man die Stadt multimedial entdecken.