
Hiking around Kahla - an insider tip for those seeking peace and quiet and nature lovers. It goes through meadows, valleys and forests, idyllic villages and charming landscapes. Signposted hiking routes lead you along well-maintained paths and sometimes along narrow trails to your destination. Whether it's an extended day trip or just a short distance, you're guaranteed to find something suitable in Kahla and the surrounding area.

Insider tips



Hiking with a wide view on the SaaleHorizontale means pure hiking pleasure. The 91 km long panorama trail stretches along the shell limestone slopes on both sides of the Saale between Jena and Dornburg. Fantastic views into the middle Saale valley are offered from numerous vantage points. Here you have the overview and discover new perspectives. The trail leads past romantic castle ruins and gurgling brooks as well as along thousand-year-old history, rare plants and over summits.
Auf der SaaleHorizontale bieten 9 Etappen unterschiedliche Touren für Anspruchsolle und Gemütliche.



Wer nicht auf eigene Faust die Landeshauptstadt erkunden möchte, der schließt sich einer Führung an. Regelmäßig stehen klassische Rund- gänge durchs historische Zentrum auf dem Programm bei denen die Geschichte Erfurts lebendig wird. Mit dem iGuide oder dem VideoGuide kann man die Stadt multimedial entdecken.



Hiking with a wide view on the SaaleHorizontale means pure hiking pleasure. The 91 km long panorama trail stretches along the shell limestone slopes on both sides of the Saale between Jena and Dornburg. Fantastic views into the middle Saale valley are offered from numerous vantage points. Here you have the overview and discover new perspectives. The trail leads past romantic castle ruins and gurgling brooks as well as along thousand-year-old history, rare plants and over summits.
Auf der SaaleHorizontale bieten 9 Etappen unterschiedliche Touren für Anspruchsolle und Gemütliche.


Luther Trail stage from Kahla to Neustadt an der Orla

The Luther Trail builds bridges between people and history, culture and religion and, as a special educational path, allows the stations of the reformer Martin Luther to be experienced in a new way.